28/8/19-27/11/19 Week 1- Week 14
Kyra Binti Rizal Hamzah (0337085)
Final Compilation
Fig 1.1- Expression: Loud - Lettering Exercise (Still) |
Fig 1.2- Expression: Loud - Lettering Exercise (Animation |
Fig 2.1- Type expression |
Fig 2.2- Animated type expression |
Project 1
Project 2
Fig 4.1- Preview of typeface |
Fig 4.2- Typeface poster |
Final Project
Fig 5.1-Placard |
Fig 5.2- Poster |

Fig 5.4- Framed poster |
This class wasn't how I expected it to be. Rumour was that it'd be torture, and I'm not saying it wasn't, but it wasn't as bad as I had anticipated. The workload was heavy, but I actually had quite a lot of fun doing the work, despite how tiring it was. Not that I'm complaining, but I was a bit confused by how between each project we sort of had a week off before continuing to the next project. I was grateful to have that time to finish other assignments, but it felt weird. Admittedly, I did space out during some of Mr Vinod's longer lectures, but the content was always really interesting (it's just that I have the attention span of a goldfish) and you can really see his passion for what he talks about. Some of my friends had said how scary Mr Vinod and his feedback was, but I never really understood that cause to me his feedback was just straight to the point and beneficial. It was never mean, it was just frank. (My favourite feedback memory is the time I told Mr Vinod & Mr Shamsul that I felt that one of my letters looked stupid during project 2 and they just agreed. Didn't even say something like "yeah, something's wrong, fix the descender yadayada" or anything. Just "yeah it's stupid" HAHA.
To be completely honest I still don't fully understand some of the stuff we've learnt (it's not the lecturers fault though they've explained and given me feedback time and time again especially about my inability to do kerning properly), but I do think I've gained more sensitivity towards typography. Even if I'm not fully confident in my own capabilities, I have a much deeper appreciation for type and have been paying much closer attention when I look at designs that have type in them.
This is something that sort of goes for everything we do in design but the practice of producing a wide variety of ideas for a design before settling on one is a habit I feel like I've mostly developed while doing the projects for this class. Besides that, in this class I've learnt to care less about my grades and focus more on learning things both from the lecturers and from my fellow classmates as well.