Typography - Project 1

18/9/19 - 2/10/19 (Week 4 - 6 )
Kyra Binti Rizal Hamzah (0337085)
Project 1

Lecture Notes

Week 5

No lecture, just critique of our project progress & our blogs.


Project 1 

Week 4 (18/9/19) to Week 6 (2/10/19)

1.1- Ideas for the arrangement of the title of the spread.

1.2- The layout I chose to use for the title, using Serifa Std
1.3- The initial attempt of putting the text into my spread with my chosen font family, Futura Std. I wanted to make the first few sentences of the body text large and placed it closer to the title than to the body as a lead in for the rest of the text.

1.4- Enlarged the portions of the extract that were bold in the original text and made it oblique.
1.5- I decreased the line length of the highlighted text and added vertical lines along the left of it to make the highlighted text stand out more and also balance better with the rest of the text. Beside that, i rearranged the body text so that it balances out between the two pages.

1.6- The final version of my first design. Changed text size from 11pt to 10pt

1.7- Second design

1.8- Progress of third design

1.9- Third design

1.10- Fourth design

1.11-Fifth design
1.12- Final design; my idea behind this was inspired by how the text talks about balancing your priorities between pursuing your career and maintaining your ethics.


Week 5
General feedback: 
Bodies of text are linked; when you put them in InDesign you can't break them into seperate text boxes. The text flows from box to box.
When you use justified text you need to be careful of holes/rivers. If you use indentation, use left justified text and don't leave paragraph spaces.
Specific feedback: Change text size from 11pt to 10pt and don't use paragraph spaces to fix ragging. Wrap text around objects instead of using paragraph spaces to make the spaces needed for the highlighted text.
Week 7
Specific feedback:There's no final submission for project 1. Have it in JPEG and PDF.  Fix ragging, make it 3 columns instead of 2



Week 5- I initially struggled to come up with ideas. This is way more time consuming than I thought it'd be
Week 6- I still don't really understand why ragging is bad


Week 5-Once I had my first layout done, coming up with more ideas became easier.
Week 7- Once I finished my final layout I see how much better text looks when I fix the ragging :D

Further Reading

1. Typography Essentials - Ina Saltz

 I read a chapter titled "The Paragraph" from this book, since I felt like it would help me with the project as I had problems with leading and line lengths.

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