Typography Final Project

6/11/19-20/11/19 (Week 11- 13)
Kyra Binti Rizal Hamzah (0337085)
Final Project

Lecture Notes

No lectures


For our final project, our task was to create a poster based on the protest signs we created during week 10. 
1.1 My sign
I wrote my sign using a wide flat paintbrush and chinese calligraphy ink.It took a really long time to do cause I wanted all the strokes to be as straight as possible.
1.2- Me and my sign 

1.3-I began with something similar to my sign but with added red rectangles to emphasise the "you" which I felt like was an important part of the slogan.

1.4-Played with the typeface, the weight and the sizing.

1.5-I wound up creating a LOT of variations. To be honest I would have preferred to use one of the variations on the right that are in black, but Mr Vinod preferred the ones on the left XD

1.6-Chosen poster design.

We also had to animate our posters, and that made me feel like the countless hours I spend messing around with after effects paid off. It was fun to digitise the poster :D
1.7- Animated version of my poster.


Week 11
Specific feedback: experiment more with the kerning and leading, try use different weights of the typeface
Week 12
Specific feedback: Adjust the kerning more and proceed to animate


Week 11-  "I hear a lot of talking. I hope there's also a lot of working. I'm rapping." -Mr Vinod
Week 12- This project feels easier than the previous ones somehow? 
Week 11 - It's getting easier for me to produce many variations of an idea
Week 12- I fear that I will never understand kerning. I try to adjust it but it never seems to be enough when I get feedback.
Also the animation took a longer time than I thought it would.

Further Reading

1.  The Typography Idea Book // Steven Heller & Gail Anderson
Minimalism; making things simple can be complex too.

I didn't really understand this page , but I think it's about how simple text can be impactful even without excessive visuals to supplement it.

The example mentioned in the previous page. 

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