Exercise 2: Type and Play
Part 1
Fig 2.0 - Traced image used |
PDF Version:
Part 2
PDF Version:
Project 1: Key Artwork
Fig 4.0 - Final Key Artwork |
PDF of Flatlay:
Final Project
Fig 6.0- Neo Mono Button uppercase (Has borders) |
Fig 6.1-Neo Mono Button Press (Has borders, sunken in "pressed" effect) |
Fig 6.2-Neo Mono Regular uppercase (No borders) |
Fig 6.3-Neo Mono Regular lowercase (No borders, no shading) |
Fig 6.4- Neo Mono Button lowercase (Button with flat text). |
PDF Compilation of Neo Mono font family:
Fig 6.5- Neo Mono Type Family Teaser
Video version of the teaser:
Fig 6.6- UI Design mockup of a file manager application using the Neo Mono typeface.
Final Reflection
I hope this doesn't sound cliche, but this semester and this module have been a rollercoaster. I'm not going to speak about the e-learning/covid precaution experience as I think we've all had enough of that, but one thing I will say about it is that having class online has cut out a lot of "noise" and that I've had the chance to reflect on myself and my work a lot more. I haven't had the energy to write much in the individual assignment posts, but now that we're at the end, I have time.
To be frank, I have been dreading advanced typography for a long time. Typography in semester 1 was already pretty confusing to me, and I expected no less from the advanced class. That being said, any hardships I faced throughout were no surprise. However, I also had more fun than I thought I would. If there's anything I've truly learnt this time around, it's that I need to just go with the flow and play around with my ideas more. Think less, do more. A good example of this are the two type and play exercises. The first one where we had to build letters out of an image was a breeze. The idea and image I had for that exercise was very spontaneous. I didn't think of what picture to use, how I wanted to go about it, any of that. I literally walked to the kitchen to make a drink and found something that made a good idea ,and carried along the spontaneous energy of that moment into the whole exercise.
On the other hand, the second type and play exercise was.. stressful at the least. I spent likely a few hours trying to pick the right photo to use to intertwine words with, and kept trying and failing to make it look good. In the end I chose a new photo and made a new version of the outcome, which I did in under an hour. A similar thing happened with Project 1. I came up with countless ideations for the key artwork that I put way too much thought into, only for Mr Vinod to suggest I go with the one design that I threw together in under ten minutes during class.
It might sound reckless to go into things without much of a plan, but when you're living with anxiety, there's always room to overthink every minute detail, and I find that the stress that that causes me tends to "taint" the quality of my work, which is tough to deal with when my work isn't stellar to begin with.
Another key realisation I had was that I work a lot harder if I am actually in tune with the work I'm doing, when I enjoy it and even if I'm not in love with my output, if I like the idea, the work is more bearable and the work sometimes turns out better than I expect? Examples of these: type and play part 1 (yeah that again) and the final project. I'm not the proudest of the final project outcome BUT since I enjoyed the idea, I was properly motivated to keep working.
The lecturers were a lot more hands off with us this semester, to train us to work independently so that we don't live our lives being mindless goons who need to be told what to do every step of the way, and I get that. I appreciate that. I do wish they balanced the hands off-ness with giving us advice just a tiny bit more, cause I found myself frustrated and tired and making less progress than usual when feedback consists of just "needs work" or "go fix it". I understand that I need to think for myself and figure out my own problems and I try hard to do so, but when it's something that I have little understanding of ....... It's a bit hard to even know where I'm going wrong. It's like how birds just drop their chicks off trees to teach them to fly, except I don't have wings. And this tree is really tall.
But at the same time I do prefer the freedom to explore, experiment, and mess up (although this did cost me loads of time) that we have right now and I know I will cherish this and look back on it nostalgically in the future when I start working XD
I also think I've gotten ever so slightly more sensitive when designing and looking at type. I still find that this is one of my weakest suits, but better a tiny footstep of progress than none at all? I still don't know how to produce great designs but I now at least know when my work is not there yet. (Which may add to my frustration when that's the feedback I receive from lecturers. cause hearing this from others simply echoes my own concerns)
Ok enough about me. I also observed that although I have handled this semester pretty well (or at least I think I have), it's been pretty tough on many of my classmates and I hope they and also the lecturers are doing okay mentally and physically as well. There were many instances over the sem where me and my friends would just talk about how we're coping and it was really difficult for a lot of them to carry on as they normally would. I hope everyone gets to rest a bit now that the sem is over!