Application Design 1


Kyra Binti Rizal Hamzah / 0337085
Application Design 1 

Week 1
Introduction to module

Task- Pick a category of app for your project. 

Week 2
No class- Merdeka Day holiday.
Task- Create a document with your research for the project.

Week 3

User Centered Design. 

User-Centered Design (Definition)
The process of User Centered Design
Technology-centered vs. User-centered design

Interviews get more in depth data than just quantitative data.

Stages of User Centered Design:
1. Define (Create a proposal, define a problem)
2. Specify your requirements (UI/UX document. Includes flowchart, user persona, moodboards, competitor analysis)
3. Design (Low fidelity prototype, first test (around 5 users from your target audience) )
4. Testing. (High-fidelity prototype, testing 5 users again)

Week 4- Proposal

Week 6 
Completed business model canvas, user journeys for the user personas, and user flow for the app.

Mr Shamsul suggested adding psychographics to the user personas so I went back and added that in. I also needed to find design references and figure out my style guide. 


Week 9  - UI/UX Design Document Presentation

Begin making the low-fi prototype, create a logo for the app's branding. 

Week 10- 
Showed progress of the low-fi prototype. 
Feedback: Add a "swipe to continue" prompt to the first page

Sign up,  Homepage/All tasks, category menu, "personal" category page.

Add task frames as well as the Subtask view for a specific task (Android - 9 frame).
Feedback: Make the process to add task a bit more complex rather than just press + and go straight to the add task page. For this I added Frame 8 as a pop up - a prompt asking whether you are creating a simple (no subtask) task or a multi-step task with subtasks, rather than making it just 1 task page with an option for multitask within it, that might be a bit confusing.
Process- Connecting the frames to create a functional prototype


User 1 - Jae

Feedback: Easy and intuitive to navigate, main issue was the adding subtasks was a bit hard to notice that an action had been carried out and initially thought that nothing had changed onscreen.

User 2 - Myra
(sound didnt record for some reason)

Feedback: Very easy to use and understand! Just looks a bit plain (I then explained that this is a low fidelity prototype and that's why it's monochromatic and all)

User 3 - Raif 

Feedback: Would be better in colour, make sure the screen size is correct. He would still rather whatsapp himself his to do list than use any app specifically for to do lists, be it this app or any other one.

Week 12
Progress update! Finished most of the Hi-Fi prototype screens. I still need to fix all the transitions between screens, and during class this week sir suggested that for the final submission that I also show a mockup of notifications on your home screen that you'd get from the app. 

All the different screens. After the lo-fi tests I decided to also add the screens for adding single step tasks, which I previously didn't include, so that you can truly see the features of the whole app.

Added animated illustrations for the onboarding. 

Onboarding 1- Organise tasks

Onboarding 2 -  Track your progress

Onboarding 3 - Break them down
Week 13
Tested the hi-fi prototype with 3 people however there was an issue with the screenrecording from my computer at the time.

User 1- Myra
(Video didn't manage to record at all)
Feedback- Having tested the lo-fi iteration, she found that the colour did aid the experience and besides that had no further remarks.

[User 2 and 3 recordings are within this same link, and audio didn't pick up for either recording.

 Timestamps: User 2-0.00, User 3 - 2.39

User 2- Irsa
Feedback- Good if the colour for categories is customisable in the functional app. Suggested that the progress on the main page should be shown as a bar rather than individual dots.

After this test I made changes to the progress bar as she suggested, as I found that it was a good idea to do so and probably easier to understand. 

Left- Old progress bar design. Right- New progress bar design. 

User 3 had tested the lofi prototype as well, therefore in their test session I was able to ask for feedback between the old progress bar and the new one.

User 3 - Jae
Feedback - The app is good and Jae would like to use it if it is developed. The old progress bar was more unique and interesting but is a bit confusing and looks as if you are going to interact with it (ie. as a checkbox). The new one isn't as unique but it gives more of a visual indication that it signifies the progress of a task. 

Week 14 - Final walkthrough video:

Week 15-Reflection
To be honest the work for this class was the most comfortable (I say that and not easy because well.. Assembling wireframes is pretty longwinded) compared to the other modules I took this semester. It wasn't as unfamiliar as game studies and experiential design were. App UI in particular is new ish territory (I've tried it out here and there in my own time, but made some pretty poor designs ha ha) but I think the experience gained from making website prototypes for Interactive Design last semester made the transition smooth enough. In fact this was easier than interactive as we didn't need to code anything. 

I feel like I lacked much creativity in the design process but I'm a bit on the fence about it- they say UI design is meant to be invisible. So do my designs lack inspiration or are they simply.. invisible? Food for thought. Will think about this over the semester break.

On the other hand, I truly enjoyed the work that went into this before getting into the prototype design itself - doing research, the business model and proposal, making flowcharts.. Man I think I'm in love with making flowcharts. Is that weird? idk. Of course I enjoy the design part too (especially creating the onboarding animation, simple little animations are always fun for me) but it's fair to assume I enjoy the thought that goes into creating the design just as much. 

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