Interactive Design - Project 1

Kyra Binti Rizal Hamzah (0337085)
Interactive Design (Project 1)

Lecture Notes

Week 7 

No lecture

Week 8
Intro to Bootstrap


Project 1
Purpose: Reimagining Air Max page on Nike’s website with a different approach. Original site contains many very stylish photos with models, resembling social media outfit posts. My version is more minimalistic and takes a more product-centric focus.

Call to action: promote Air Max sneakers; Shop Now.
Fig 1.0 - First iteration of my design. The idea was for the shoe shown in the first section to be a carousel of different shoes available
Fig 1.1 - Instead of the carousel being in the first section, I moved it down so that there can be a designated section for the different shoe models available

Fig 1.2 - I reworked the CTA section to resemble some other e-commerce/fashion sites I saw (and changed the footer colour to match) .  Funny thing is Mr Lun preferred the old design, while Mr Shamsul preferred this one XD in the end I just went with this. It seemed easier to do the CSS for this rather than my old design.

Fig 1.3- Final design.

Presentation version of my design process


Week 7
Make your own icons, rework landing section (Fig 1.0, 1.1)
Week 8
Add prices to the cards for shoe models. Instead of having the shop cards as a carousel, have all 4 visible on screen at once(Fig 1.2,1.3). Add something to distinguish between each section of the page ( I added the coloured background on section headers in Fig 1.3)

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