Interactive Design - Exercises

Kyra Binti Rizal Hamzah (0337085)
Interactive Design- Exercises

Lecture Notes

Week 1

Module brief, types of websites.
Task: Create slides describing examples of different types of websites, explain their target audience and objective.

Week 2

This week's lecture was about web standards and why it's important for things to be standardized.

Lecture notes
After that, Mr Shamsul gave an introduction to HTML and we made our own basic web documents.

Week 3

Image formats for web:
JPEG - best for large images, lossy compression
PNG- lossless compression, better quality, can make transparent images.
GIF- low quality, only good for small images.

ID Attribute - gives elements unique identity so you can style it differently
Class Attribute - Identify several elements as unique within a class
Attributes only affect elements if there's a CSS rule indicating a difference in the display.  

Week 4

Introduction to CSS
Lecture notes I took on my phone.



Exercise 1- HTML

Exercise 2- Layout Exercise
Fig 1.1 - HTML
Fig 1.2- CSS

Fig 1.3 - My website.
The layout exercise website can be viewed here.

Exercise 3- Bootstrap Exercise 
Fig 2.1 - HTML 

Fig 2.2- CSS
Fig 2.3- Website
Click here to view full website


Week 1
Most of the website examples I gave were clear enough, but there were a few that would have either not a clear enough target audience or not clear enough objective. The only site that sir had other feedback on was the ecommerce site I listed, Etsy. I mentioned that it's used by hobbyists to sell crafts but sir pointed out that it's used for creative items in general and that there's a variety of lifestyle goods also listed on it.

Week 3
Exercise 1- Add target attribute to links.

Week 5
Layout exercise- Change the background image to cover and not contain, add smooth scrolling animation, switch the link colours (previously links were purple with pink hover, but Mr Shamsul suggested swapping it so it's pink then purple on hover as it's more readable). Sir also said my website looked very futuristic XD

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