Information Design- FLIP Topics

Kyra Binti Rizal Hamzah (0337085)
Information Design (FLIP Presentations)

Week 1-Manuel Lima's 9 Directives

We did our first presentations today. Each group had different approaches and information on the topic and it was insightful to hear so many variations of the same topic.

Week 2- Saul Wurman's LATCH

Week 3- Miller's Law: Chunking

Thought Ms Anis had a typo in her announcement on Classroom containing her slides when she wrote chonking till I opened it to see some real chonky bois in the slides. Ms Anis if you see this I appreciate your meme use the cats and pokemon were just what I needed this early in the morning.

Mr Kannan used character design and drawing hair as an example of chunking outside information design (ie you might not draw every individual strand of a character's hair and instead you would draw it in sections or chunks)

Feedback: Be more confident with your body language, ask for feedback/open for questions at the end.

Week 7- Types of Infographics & Reviewing Infographic Makers

Feedback: Be ready for anything ( We were a bit off today and had some hiccups here and there in our presenting)

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