29/10/19-26/11/19 (Week 10 - 14)
Kyra Binti Rizal Hamzah (0337085)
Digital Photography & Imaging
Project 3
I started off this project by sketching a few ideas I had. I wasn't very sure about what I wanted my concept to be, but I knew I wanted a part of it to be related to the effect of mankind mismanaging natural resources.
My first idea- the human race became extinct, therefore all the flora and fauna that was previously endangered due to human interference was able to flourish once again. |
OK this idea was a bit harder for me to draw out haha. A city underwater, in a glass dome, with a tube/elevator connecting to the surface, the reason being that the world became so overpopulated that we ran out of space on land, forcing people to build settlements underwater. I added the giant octopus just to emphasise that the city is at the bottom of the ocean. |
My final idea, which was the one I decided to create; due to the rich depleting the majority of Earth's resources, the poor died, and so did most of the flora and fauna.Those who survived and had the resources to do so clustered together, but otherwise ignored all damage that they did and continued to build up their cities, ignoring how barren the surroundings became. |
The photos I used to create my piece. |
First I added rubble to the ground, and I used a photo of a stadium to make a barrier that surrounds the city. |
Started adding buildings. |
More buildings... |
I decided to add a train track to the picture, to look like the city is still connected to other places. |
Added train track and some lights. |
Animation time!!!!
I animated the clouds and sky to look like it's getting dark, made smoke move, and made a train leave the railway. |
My final still. |
Watch my animated composition here